The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear.
《现代汉英综合大词典》You go ahead of us and we'll bring up the rear.
互联网Malawi, Cameroon and Western Samoa bring up the rear.
马拉维 、 喀麦隆和西萨摩亚名列榜尾.
互联网Bring up the rear is Minglun Dacheng Hall , after Hall Minglun luang drive library.
大成殿后是明伦堂, 明伦堂后是銮驾库.
互联网Bring up the rear with the original Puzhao Si Qian Foge, bell tower on the side.
原普照寺殿后有千佛阁, 钟鼓楼于两侧.
互联网Bring up the rear are three doors, two wicket, stone five supply side Cheng - Ming House.
殿后是三座门 、 二柱门 、 石五供、方城明楼.
互联网A picked body of men were sent to bring up the rear of the retreating troops.
互联网We'll bring up the rear and keep an eye out for any surprises.
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